Monthly Archives: May 2011

Almost finished – 10mm WW2 Germans

What a terrible week or so its been for me. I’ve been very low and unmotivated, tried doing things and it’s just not happened, kept getting my flocking materials out to finish of the bases and then just not following through. I think it must be hard for anyone to look at such a simple job and thing, whats his problem it’s like a 10 min job, but there you go. The mind is a strong force in all of us and when it isn’t working as it should its control is hard to break.

Anyway I have finally managed to get the work done. All of the German forces that were based up here are now fully painted and flocked, just to run them round my mate Petes for a blast of varnish.

Here are some pictures of them, as always sorry for the pictured, not much light and the camera is still the same one ive been using for ages.

10 x Standard Infantry
A mix of Pendraken Riflemen(GR1), MP40(GR2) and Officer(GR7)

4 x Infantry with Pz Shreck
A mix of Pendraken Riflemen(GR1), MP40(GR2) and Officer(GR7) and Pz Shreck team(GR5)

4 x Infantry with Pz Faust
A mix of Pendraken Riflemen(GR1), MP40(GR2) and Officer(GR7) and Pz Faust(GR6)

6 x MG42’s
Pendrakens MG42 team (GR4)

4 x 8cm GWR34 mortar
Pendrakens 8cm GWR34 mortar with crew (GR15)

2 x 120mm mortar
Pendrakens 120mm mortar with crew (GR76)

1 x 150mm IG
Pendrakens 150mm IG with crew(GR99) and some dressing from their Boxes and sacks(GR44)

Heres a quick pic of them all packed up in the KR Multicase

So now that they are done the next job is to get the final few units assembled and done. Ill try to document the entire process so you know how I do it.

To do are the following

75mm IG
2 x Pak 40
Command Stand
4 x HQ stand
FAC (i think)

And that will be the germans finished, it should also give me a nice varied force to try out some differnt things with the Blitzkreig Commander Rules.

Take care all.

German WW2 10mm

Ah its good to get that finished. I got the hands and faces of all the germans done today and it was a pain in the rear.

Turned out ok though.

Here they are

Sorry for the quality of the pic, im going to have to save up for a new camera, any sugestions.

Take care all.

On the up.

Thanks for bearing with me through the past couple of weeks. Should start to get some more painting done. I hope to get the 10mm Germans that ive based finished off. Also im going to try and get my Hordes of the Things army finished, simply as I’ve half talked a freind to getting an army 🙂

Take care all.