Category Archives: SOTR

Currently on the Shelf – Secrets of the Third Reich

I think this is probably one of the largest projects I have on. Also it’s one of the first I bought stuff for. Secrets of the Third Reich is a Weird War 2 setting published by Westwind Miniatures it has four main sides British, American, Russian and German. The plan was the my friends and I were going to pick a side each and then blow the life out of each other on the battlefield. I had just been released from my job on medical grounds at the time and had a small payout so bought almost 90% of the force I needed for the British. Matthias bought the Us Armoured Infantry Starter Box Set and Karl got the Mech Grenadier Starter Box Set. Anyway I think due to my slowness in getting my stuff together and other factors the original plan kinda fell by the wayside. But never mind, there good miniatures and its a good system so I will get it finished.

Matthias asked me to paint his miniatures, which was rather brave of him as these would be the first minis I’d painted since I was about 12 and decided to paint my Heroquest models. There not badly done, and I even though I had completed them, however the bases are unworked on so thats one thing I will resolve as well as sorting out the chiping on them that happened prior to there redeployment into KR Multicase housing.

Americans in Foam

American Infantry ready for deployment

Comanche Light Mech

Tick tock he aint

I managed to get a command platoon for my Brits finished as well as getting the character models based and undercoated.

Brits in a box

Commanding whom

However I still have a lot of Westwind stuff still blistered up and awaiting preping

Blistering Army

Blistering Brits

Blistering Army

Blistering Brits

As the game is Weird War 2 I wanted to get some more normal models to support the stuff that Westwind have produced so I got myself a Tamiya Crusader Tank

Tamiya Crusader

Unpainted Power

Also I thought I needed a staple of the British Army the 6 Pounder AT gun, this time Its actualy finished, there was however about 6 months inbetween assembly and painting. This is by Black Tree Design and I really like the model and the detail on the men. The two man with gasmasks are Westwind Assault Bren infantry that had been sat undercoated for as long as the gun so i thought I would finish them all together.

British AT


Well thanks for reading, see you soon.