Author Archives: countzero99uk

About countzero99uk

Im currently off work due to depression and other illness, and have decided to use miniature gaming as a way to help rebuild my concentration and confidence in myself. Ive many other hobbys which may come into this blog, but it shall mainy cover both the miniatures and scenery I buy and paint/assemble as well as my general feelings about how I am coping.

1/35 Tamiya T-34/76

A few days ago I started work on this kit, this is the first kit ive built purely for the sake of building it, that is not to play with in my wargaming 🙂  This is a purely from the box build ive never used any after market stuff so maybe next time.

First impressions of the kit were good, it was a well formed sprue with no flashing that I could see.  After pouring over the instructions for a day or two I decided id best start.

So after about 90 mins work some wheels are partly ready by using my new tools the set of Squadron sanding sticks, was far less annoying than I thought it would be was almost zen like to be honest, slowly releasing the form from the sprue and nubs.



I finished the 10 fully metal wheels that evening.  The next day I decided to get the rest of the wheels finished.


Ive noticed that I need to sand down two of those rubbered wheels.

Then I moved onto the lower hull, some wheel sprockets? and a back plate for the lower hull.  Decided to sand it down and make it level.  Quite pleased with the results.


Dry fit of the wheels to see how they will look.


Decided to do the hatch in its open position as I couldn’t see how you were meant to fix the periscope viewers up.


Tanks rearplate cover and exhausts went on great


However there is some kind of gap in the vents, from photos ive seen I think this will be ok.


And from the front after the upper hull items have gone on.


This morning I started on the gun looks good so far.


So still to do of the build

Turret, crew and accessories.

Wheels and tracks will be fixed after base painting is done, as will the upper and lower hulls attached together.

Should get the building part finished in the next day or two I hope.

Thanks for looking any and all comments welcome.

So whats been happening

Well ive not posted as much as I would have liked do to problems with my hands and other factors. But I have not been completely idle. Here are some photos of what Ive done and been up to over the last month or two.

Plastic Soldier British Late War figures 20mm all based up and ready to undercoat.

Rest of the brits, i based up one of the radio teams together on a base.

Ready to Roll resin 2 x Shermans and 1 Firefly with 2 Universal Carriers.

2 Airfix 1/76 Type 97 tanks for my Japanese island forces. This project has not really started as yet but i saw the two kits and the local shop and made them up real quick. Very nice kits to build.

An italieri 1/72 M48A3 for my Vietnam project. Again a nice kit and ive 2 more of these to build one of which will have the Sandbag bunker on it.

Well thats the modeling that I have done, ive also been looking at posting my gaming experiences too. So here goes. Some years back I picked up on EBAY a copy of a great game The Fellowship of the Ring by Iron Crown Enterprises. The game uses 6 sided dice to represent the player units and the number upmost represents the mode of travel and what the unit is is faced away from the opponent similar to block games. As can been seen here . The dice are old and are hard to see unless lighting is excelent so i decided to pick up some new dice to replace them. EM4 is a company ive used before to get dice from so of my order went a couple of days later a package arrived and inside were……

Clearly not dice.

A quick call to EM4 got the right things sent out to me which ive now reiceived but they kindly told be to keep hold of the Barbarians. There really nice models 🙂

Also I have recently got a copy of Horus Heresy . This game is set in the Games Workshop 40k universe and represents the war on Terra (earth) between the Emperor of Mankind versus the Traitor Horus. Its a really good game but here are just some quick photos from our first play through. Ill do a more full report when we have the rules down at the moment im sure were doing one or two things wrong.

The forces of Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle led by some Traitor Primarchs getting ready to storm the Emperors Palace.

The Emperors Palace defended by loyal Space Marines and Primarchs.

General table shot.

So as you can see ive not been idle, just not as productive as i would have hoped. Ill try and get another update out before the end of the month. Take care out there.

White Gesso

I am wanting to paint up some of my figures quite vibrantly, such as the Super Dungeon Explore ones.  I have read that for best effects start from a white basecoat. As I get such a good finish from black gesso some time ago i decided to try white, the results weren’t that great, brush strokes showed up and the finish was a bit transparent.

Ive decided to try again.  This time however i bought the same brand and type of gesso, that is Windsor Newton Galeria Acrylic White Gesso.  Here are some images.

The gesso is still wet, as you can see the plastic shows through in some areas.

Dried – The lumpyness has gone, but the clear areas are still showing

Dry different angle

Now as you can see its still a bit transparent, but i think its a case of i need to put more on in my painting of this.

Thanks for looking.

Grr again.

Right well, sorry for the gap in any posts but my fingers decided to go all split and bleedy 😦

Ive decided to expand the purview of this blog.  Ill be putting in things from all gaming that I do, so board games, card games, minis as well as maybe the odd chat about random thoughts i have.

I will be doing at least an hour a day on miniatures, and will post the results up every day.  This is from monday.  If  i dont ill get nothing done what so ever.

Right well thats my promise to you as kind followers. 

Take care


WIP Malifaux Cherub

Decided to start on the Malfaux Cherub from Wyrd Miniatures Puppet Wars.

Here is how they envision him

And mine

Wings to do next, i havent a clue how to do them so any advice would be greatfuly recieved.

December Acolyte Done.

Well its been a couple of days and appart from the base the mini is complete. Only 19 more to do in the first batch.

Hope you like it, any comments or questions feel free to ask :).

Puppet Wars – Main Box – December Acolyte

Right made a start on the puppets there not the smallest miniatures ive painted, but there deffinatly the smallest that i have to take care with.

I undercoat black, so when i saw that this first figure had to have a very very pale coat i wept a little inside. I painted the base of the coat with pure white then whilst that was still wet went at it with a little azure and ended with some flat blue. I like where its ended up, i may come back later and deepen the shadows, but ill see how it looks once the ruff is done.

But so far im quite pleased with how its looking

Take Care

Project Plan for 2013

So whats happening this year?

Wyrd’s Puppet Wars – Last year I managed to get my hands on a pack of all the pawn boosters and the multi player set to go with the base set i got the other christmas. Ive currently got the puppets from the base set undercoated and on the painting bench.
Mantics Dwarf Kings Hold – Last year I completed the figures from Dead Rising. This year i hope to get the rest done. So thats Green Menace and Ancient Grudge. So elves and orcs a plently and a few more dwarves and undead.
20mm WW2 Brits – Putting together a platoon of these to use with Two Hour Wargames Nuts system. I have some Plastic Soldier Company Late War British Infantry 44-45 and some Ready to Roll resin Shermans and Universal Carriers.
Super Dungeon Explore – Hope to get this painted this year as ive promised myself i wont buy the expansions till its completed.
Zombicide (Abominiation) – Ive been playing a lot of this so the minis will need a good wash before i do anything with them. Then its painting. Ive 3 trays of zombies atm so ill probly do them a tray at a time to not impact on playing the game as much.
Sedition Wars (Biohazard)x2 – This should arrive next week I bought 2 sets as i like the miniatures so much and am intending on using them for Two Hours Wargames New Beggings/Star Army wargames. So ill get one set painted whilst playing with the other.
Kingdom Death Monster – Ive backed this kickstarter that should be getting delivered in Nov (so call it Dec) Will prolly get some un boxing shots 🙂
Mad-Max – Im going to be looking at doing some Mad Max style vehicles and miniatures in 20mm for some small games
Malifaux – Ive had some of there figures for over a year now, should really get them painted.

Right thats what i can think of of the top of my head. If i only get a third of these finished ill be happy but ill keep you updated at least weekly with how things are going.

Take Care and have fun

Dwarves for Dwarf Kings Hold finished

So after several months of painting (or more lack of painting) I have finaly got them finished.

They were a lot of fun to put together and paint. However I only had enough battery power to take one photo so here it is.

Hope you all have a happy new year.

New Year New Start

Well as can be seen from the blog its been several months since i posted anything, this is mainly down to my depression being up and down. 

The new year is comming and as we survived the Mayan Calendar running out i thought id make a new start – On another note the calendar in the kitchen runs out every year and we just buy a new one, i suppose the place you get Mayan ones from are closed.

It is my intention to post something at least once a week, maybe more often, but id sooner spend more time painting than posting.  So ill prolly just do photos during the week and a weekly digest unless i change my mind.

Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
