Currently on the Shelf – Warhammer 40K

This was a bit of a breakdown of 20 years of strength. When I was a 13 a mate of mine had Rogue Trader and some of the original models. The game was fun and fast but for me at the time a little expensive than my pocket money would allow so my money went on Dungeons and Dragons. I managed to avoid various incarnations of 40K through some bad times and some good times. I missed the Squats dissapearing which I am most annoyed at, but then not as annoyed as I would have been had I bought an army lovingly crafted it and then found that it was no longer playable.

Anway about November time I decided to pick up the Assault on Black Reach box. A few of my friends had started playing as well and the local gaming store was pushing the game well. Since Novemeber ive completed 10 orcs, thats it.

And here they are

40K Orks

Mad boyz need padded cells

Thanks for reading.

About countzero99uk

Im currently off work due to depression and other illness, and have decided to use miniature gaming as a way to help rebuild my concentration and confidence in myself. Ive many other hobbys which may come into this blog, but it shall mainy cover both the miniatures and scenery I buy and paint/assemble as well as my general feelings about how I am coping. View all posts by countzero99uk

2 responses to “Currently on the Shelf – Warhammer 40K


    How are things coming along?

    • countzero99uk

      Depending how you mean, pretty well, I’ve now got this entire blog up to date with my projects. I think the next that will see some form of completion is the 10mm WW2 one, most of the Germans are ready to paint, and its a really straight forward paint job. For the 40K side, ive got one of the Space Marines based up and undercoated ready for my tester. That may be a post unto itself. Thanks for asking.

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